Tuesday, December 16, 2008


i've been sick for more than a month. first i had a really bad ear infection for two weeks i lived with pain and half of my face was swollen , no sleep cant listen cant speak and no goin out..few days l8r ,my throat started to hurt and my temperature was very high, had cough and cold till 2day, i feel very weak ..dwa eldnya klha 3nde (amoxil-fludrex-adol-zyrtec-pnadrex-dwa k7a o g6rt 5shm-brufen..) 6b3n 6byate bt5l9 wldkatra e7ftho wyhe elmshkla n7s ma y36on sick leave akthr mn yom b7jt ena elpc 36lan shko madry!! a7la shy ena elmoder bnfsa ygole 6l3e, 0 hathy 7alte yom 0 trk adawm.

...0 during hal3thab ely 3ayshta 6l3tle salfat '9rs el3gL! a year ago i've been told ena i have the lower wisdom tooth horizontally impacted and it's pressin on other teeth which cause me pain , & it has to be extracted! so this time i decided to do it but after the new year's eve. i'm really more scared now after watching the procedure on utube!!
pleeease tell me how painful is it & who did it ?????
allah yshfena 0 yshfe eljme3,, & keep warm everyone!