Tuesday, July 22, 2008

FM 103.7...


elyoom wana rada mn eldwaam wana aglb ben elm76at blradio wla athbt 3la m76t el'3na2 el3rby -- 103.7 kan fe brnamj madry shsma bs elmohm shdny elmothe3 lma s2l shno thd klmt "int7ar" انتحار...
9arlhm sa3a ya5thon et9alat m7d jawb ely galt e3dam 0 chthy elmhm dgt a5r shy w7da lbnanya wla tgol enta bard! انت بارد!! wla hathy el'ejaba! ana shno mn 9jhoooooom, 9krt elrado bkobra 0 t7sft 3la ipody ely m5lyta chm yom mo sha7nta =/
ambe y3ny eljw mle8 wlz7ma aml8 wlnas malhm 5lg wlbrnamj w3 y8ldon eldiwanya..lesh mayswon lna bramj sn3a t5ff 3lena 3na2 eldrb, nfs 87.9 3tej el9of =p, wla el-a'3any kl mala 0 tzed mla8a klmat hab6a 0 mako m3na 0 w3 shno yuma ro7y e56bely! bd3 el3roj!

m3ne ma7b asm3 la 3ragy wla 7g elsahr bs hal'3nya nice, 0 ybela b7r ;p

Every Day is Exactly the same

I loved this song, i heard it in "Wanted", it tells alot about me.. here enjoy the lyrics
I believe I can see the future
Cause I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose
But then again
That might have been a dream
I think I used to have a voice
NowI never make a sound
I just do what I've been told
I really don't want them to come around
Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same
I can feel their eyes are watching
In case I lose myself again
Sometimes I think I'm happy here
Sometimes, yet I still pretend
I can't remember how this got started
But I can tell you exactly how it will end
I'm writing on a little piece of paper
I'm hoping someday you might find
Well I'll hide it behind something
They won't look behind
I'm still inside here
A little bit comes bleeding through
I wish this could have been any other way
But I just don't know, I don't know what else I can do
watch & listen here

"Wanted"- 2008

0k after seeing the previews and the good scenes from the trailer i was execpting more from this one.. it's a VERY unrealistic action movie, little fun, more violenced, the plot is abit weak,it didnt have 2 be shooted that way! flying cars flying ppl traveling bullets!! & some lines are not clear like u dont get why "Wesly", played by James McAvoy,has 2 be killed and how names appear 2 be targets 2 be killed, she said "Fox" kill one save thousand, ok why is that and what was done, u dont know! & the way movie starts, being a normal workin guy who gets mad from his stupid work boss and mates reminds me of my place.. the end was good. 6b3n ma y7tay atklm 3n ely 9ar blfilm m3rof ena cinemat elq8 az3j cinema bl3alem, y3ny madry lesh elt9fer lma 6l3t Angelina Jolie chna ga3den eb kbareh!, wla ely 6ol elfilm yth7k shsalfa!!
The end was good ashwa..
My rating : 5/10