0k after seeing the previews and the good scenes from the trailer i was execpting more from this one.. it's a VERY unrealistic action movie, little fun, more violenced, the plot is abit weak,it didnt have 2 be shooted that way! flying cars flying ppl traveling bullets!! & some lines are not clear like u dont get why "Wesly", played by James McAvoy,has 2 be killed and how names appear 2 be targets 2 be killed, she said "Fox" kill one save thousand, ok why is that and what was done, u dont know! & the way movie starts, being a normal workin guy who gets mad from his stupid work boss and mates reminds me of my place.. the end was good. 6b3n ma y7tay atklm 3n ely 9ar blfilm m3rof ena cinemat elq8 az3j cinema bl3alem, y3ny madry lesh elt9fer lma 6l3t Angelina Jolie chna ga3den eb kbareh!, wla ely 6ol elfilm yth7k shsalfa!!
The end was good ashwa..
My rating : 5/10
aham shay el 3uf6i eli 9afar ;p
3ad ana ma emda7oli el movie et9adgeen ;\
وايد قالوا حلو ووايد قالوا مو شي
لازم اروح بنفسي واحكم :)
مادري سالفه الرصاصه الي تفتر موداشه مخي لما ألحين لازم اشوفها لوووووول
ghadoora, oho 3f6i waaa7d bs :/ lol morah8en, elfilm mo thak elzod
mo3ath, 5rafat y3ne m6l3en shy, ro7shofa shwrana '3er el'aflam hehee ;p
عاد اليوم ناويه أروح له بس دام هذا تقديره ما ادري جني ترددت ......
om moood, its entertaining 3ady ro7ela ymkn y3jbch ;p
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