''The Longest Tag"
I tagged myself 0 mn elmll sweta nfskm, stole this tag from
mr8doosh ,
ghadoor &
1. Male Friend: YAHOO
2. Female Friend: soso my sister
3. Vacation: US
1. Time of the day: afternoon
2. Day of the week: Sunday
3. Color Crayon: green
1. What are you doing now: at work, typing my answers, drinking limonade
2. Wearing: black blouse black pantalon, 7jab mng6 black & white
1. Is: Thursday
2. Got any plans: i'll celebrate the last day of work =D
3. Goal: To be happy and fit!
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: that it may never come =/
1. Number: 5 0 motha3fata
2. Song: many
3. Color: purple
1. Missing someone: Yes
2. Mood: kinda depressed, fatigue, bored & confused! kl el7alat hehee
3. Wanting: change my job & lose weight
TRUE/ FALSE: *yes or no a7san*
1. I am a cuddler: yes! only close ppl
2. I am a morning person: yes
3. I am a perfectionist: no
4. I am an only child: No
5. I am currently in my pajamas: No
6. I am currently pregnant: No =D
7. I am currently suffering from a broken heart: yes
8. I am left handed: No
9. I am addicted to Blogging: yes
10. I am online 24/7: No
11. I am very shy around the opposite gender: No
12. I can be paranoid at times: no
13. I currently have a crush on someone: No
14. I currently regret something that I have done: yes, many
15. I enjoy country music: sometimes!
16. I enjoy talking on the phone: no
17. I have a hard time paying attention at school/work: sometimes
18. I have a hidden talent: i think so =D
19. I have a lot to learn: yes, alot!
20. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: mmm Yes
1. Are you currently mad at someone? No
2. Which of your friends has the worst temper? None
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? pens =D
4. Ever had something thrown at you? Yes ;p
5. When you’re mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream? I try hide it, stare maybe
1. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party for you? no, i dont like suprises =D
2. Are you easily excited? Yes
3. What are you most excited about? right now, flying 2 Germany =D
4. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? a new car =D
5. If you could have anything right now what would it be? ice tea ;p la 9j my weight 2 be bl.50's =[
1. Name: Mulan
2. Where were you born? A7mdi hospital
3. What’s your main goal in life? be successful at work, have a good loving husband & hopefully have children =)
4. How do you want to die? shaheda wla peacfuly wana 3yoz in my bed 0 yme ryle 0 3yale 0 a7fady..
1. Sex before marriage? No =/2. Gay Marriage? No =/3. Lower the Drinking age? No =/4. Recycling? sure!
1. What was your latest dream? I can't remember
2. Have any of your dreams come true? some
3. What was the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? mo zen agola =p
1. Straight, Gay, Bi? Straight
2. Do you have a gf? Yes as in female friends
3. Do you have a crush? lol again no!
4. How many beds did you lay in yesterday? two, mine and my sister's bed "darha abrd 0 tshj3 3alnom" =D
5. What color shirt are you wearing? black
6. Name one thing that you do everyday? have coffee!
7. What color are your walls? white & light pink
8. How much cash do you have on you right now? zero ;p
9. When was the last time you saw your dad? last night
10. What did you have for dinner last night? orange juice, mtbl 0 5bz irani =D
11. What’s the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? a necklace from my sister
12. Does anything hurt on your body right now? my back mn elg3da =D
Have you ever:
1. Have you ever failed a class? NO
2. Have you ever sung in front of a crowd? No
3. Have you ever not taken a shower for 3 days? m3a haljw! w3 no
4. Have you ever slept with a night light? no ma3rf
5. Have you ever danced in the rain? Ya =D
6. Have you ever lied? ya, and who doesnt ;p
7. Have you ever had contacts? ya colored
8. Have you ever tripped over something stupid? Yes, elmwz3 ely t7t rely bldwam =D
Pick One:
1. Sambosa, Pakora, Kebab: sambosa, jbn
2. Bollywood, Lollywood, Hollywood: Hollywood
3. Love marriage, Arranged marriage: 3ady both
4. Honeymoon, no moon: Honeymoon
5. How many kids would u like 1,2, 3+: 2 enshalla =D
6. Kulfi, Ice cream: Ice cream
7. Shah ruk khan, Orlando Bloom: srk
8. Meenar-e-Pakistan, Eiffel Tower: Eiffel Tower
9. Lahore, Khi, Islamabad: wla wa7d =/