0boy allah y7ftha ma5thla waneet gmc 7g e7tyagata el5aa9a gmna ana w5ty tlegfna 0 6lbna mna elkey nbe njrb swaagta hehee 0 5thena jwla feh mn elbet le eljm3ya 0 mn eljm3ya le elbet 0 la tshofooon t3aber wyooh elnas t'97k mn9dmen 7ta eldynen gamo y5zon lol "ayna ana" shklna 7da '3llllll6 , madry lesh 7sena ena el6rej kla lna y3ny elkl m7trmna 5a9tn elbnat lesh ena waneet 0 kbeer madry hehee bas kant tjrba 7lwa 0 t5wf bnfs elwkt hahaaa ymkn n3edha 3al5leej ;p
now my question 4 the girls,, a7d mnkm jrb ysoog waneet ?! =p
ma jarabt!
just soled waneety 2 days ago !!
that's it i had enough !
last thing i want to see is girls whith waneetat !
and i saw it alot last year at elmu5ayamat
زين الوالد ونسكم بهالوانيت :)
yes o 7adee estanst ba3aad waneet my hubby waayed 3ood o loonah black o 3aleeh logo el racing team malhom ohwaa o rab3aa :P
bas shaklee gala6
لووووووول اهم شي
قولي الحمدلله انا ماكنت موجود جان بنفس اللحظه انتي عندي مشرفه البلوق :p
شبعنا من الوانيتات لووول :)
allah .. wefi ajareb
el mara el yaya mroni ;p
Waneet!! I want to drive one! for the heck of it. is as easy as driving any other car?
ana ma asoog
bs ur right
the bigger the car
the more u rule the road
ooh wow luv waineet 7ady 5a9ataan el kadlak Off 3ajeeb oo ekoon black (L)
bel 3afya!
bas 5osh rengat :P
big pearls, jrby 0 shofy ;p
sinful eyes, leesh b3taa, 0 tra man7b elwanetat wla layg 3lena bs chthy nst3b6 :p
ak-47, gol 7g obok b3d ywnsk ;p
new 3roosa, wnaasa mo, bs malna silver not black =p
mo3ath, lol leeeesh :D
ghadooora, yla zhbe brg3ch 0 3batch wmrch hehee
l's brain, 3ady easy bs skanaa 5shn 9j mo 7gna ;p
eshd3wa, ur right ;p
anonymos, ee hm 7lo
loko, y3afek lol =D
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