getting birthday greetings, birthday msgs, cards, gifts, from ppl & friends, sisters & cousines, all good all happy and i... i feel something is missing! i dunnno wat is it. a strange feeling about this age, i dunno why, maybe i donn wanna get older, maybe i am not seein a good future! maybe iam so in need of optimism =/
Today's qoute: "Love is seeking to make another person happy". Unknown
luv u all =D
كل عام وانتي بخير والعمر كله ان شالله
الاحداث المهمه بالحياه تخليج تعيدين النظر بالي تسوينه وتفكرين بالمستقبل بصوره ثانية
الوضع جدا طبيعي لاتحاتين :)
نبي شي عليه القيمه شنو ؟ :p
happy birthday
and happy 24th :)
Heeeeeeeeeeeey !!
it's ur birthday !!
well, usually i go depressed on my birthday as well .. maybe its sumthing to do with being one year older ? I dunno noooo
anyways .. kel sena w enty 6ayba .. and may all ur dreams and wishes come true sooon :*
kolololoooosh .. happy b.day sis ;*
Happy Birthday to You:D
تعوذي من إبليس
وإن شالله هالسنة تكون سنة حلوة عليج
and full of happiness and success :)
Happy birthday :*
كل عاام و انتي بخير و عقبال 24000 الف سنة
شنو هذا الكل عيد ميلاده سهر 6 7 8 9 10
الا انا 3 لييش :(((
يمكن الي ناقص الفرحة مع شخص ودج تفرحين وياه بهل العيد :)
here is one more birthday greeting: happy birthday fellow blogger :)
u should always feel that something is missing this will make life exciting hehehe
كل عام وانتي بخيرعمري كل شي بهون ان شالله ...~
HaPPy birthday :D
mo3ath, went b5er 0 97a 0 slama, shno 8ema ma fhmt =D
loco q8, thank u =)
caty, lol ee ymkn 3shan ma abe akbr. went 6yba 7bebty thankss :*
ghadoora, thaaank u =D
big pearls, thanks 2 u =D
ra-1, ya rab ajm3een, mshkoora 7bebty =D
3bady, ee ymkn,, went b5er 0 97a 0 slama, lol e5ty m3ak shhr 3 =p
oganic kuwait, thanks sweety :* lol enshalla =D
anonymous, went/wenty b5er 0 97a 0 slaama, enshalla hope so =)
bo 7ami, thank u =D
Happy Birthday big girl :) how does it feel to be 24? ;p
amu, thank u lol i feel so big =D
Happy 24 :D
so be happy ;)
don't let any thing spoil the FUN ;P
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